50 Questions,  Hey. Hi. Hello.

Question 24

Personal History Question 24 is, “Did you move as a child?”

Oh yes. A lot. It sucked at the time. Looking back, however, I see that it brought wonderful opportunities and afforded me some wonderful friendships that I have still to this day.

I was little the first time we moved. It was new and exciting. Then the second time we moved, I was going to get to be near my dad’s family. I was so happy! And it was wonderful! Then we moved to a small town in PA where I knew no one and I wanted to hate it, but couldn’t. I loved the place. School was a nightmare. I made few friends. We weren’t there long. We moved back to where I had originally started school, so I got to rekindle some friendships (all of which did not stand the test of time).

Then we moved again. This was an interesting time in my life. SO much was happening. I am still friends with many of the people from that time. Then we moved once more. Here I spent most of my teen and young adult years. It was a great place to be. I still have all of my friends from this time. Most of them are like family. I have amazing memories…

I moved around a bit as an adult too, leaving MA for FL. Then leaving FL for WV once again. And now I am in Maryland, not far from where my dad was born. I like it here. I am glad we made the move….

Hi. I am Jen. I lost myself for awhile. Here is where I talk about trying to find myself, trying to be better in all aspects of life. I am moody, unpredictable, opinionated, a realist (who really struggles with being a realist), loving, caring, kind, and mostly laid back. I love my family beyond measure. I try to treat others as I wish to be treated. I do not tolerate bigotry, racism, and or hatred.. you get nasty, you get blocked. I do not engage. Just be nice.. ;)

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