
50 Questions!

This is a bit different than the Personal History Questions I have been answering. These are geared at helping on to find their best self. Not sure how many I will do at a time, we will just have to see. Here we gooooo!

  1. What do I love about my life?
    I love my wee family, and our small circle of friends. I love where we live, and our newish home.
  2. What do I feel like my life is missing and how can I get more of what I need?
    Normalcy. Hubby struggles with depression and crippling anxiety. My kid is on the spectrum, and suffers with anxiety and ADHD. My mother is aging into her mid-80s, and I cannot seem to get out of my own way. I need to find the motivation I USED to have to get things done around here. And I need to not feel guilty about going off to do things if my hubby is not up to it.
  3. Where do I want to be in 5 years?
    Comfortably settled into my own business, bringing in enough money that we can do the things to our home that we would like (and by that time, need, to do. Like a roof… lol) I would also love to have enough money coming in that I could support a couple charities that I hold dear. I would also like to be about 100 lbs lighter, and far more active than I am at the moment.
  4. Who are the people in my life that make me the happiest.
    My family and the few friends we have. And the random, kind folks I find on the internet, doing good things for others.
  5. When am I the happiest version of me?
    When I am with “my people”, and either sitting around on our porch talking and doing a puzzle, having a bonfire, swimming in the river, camping, or just enjoying a good meal together.
  6. What do I love doing?
    I like doing nice things for others. I like being creative, although I am not very successful at that. I love being outside. I love taking pictures. I love a long ride on Martha (my ATV).. I love listening to music. I l love watching the birds. And I love pretending I can grow things. LOL
  7. What am I afraid to do?
    I am afraid to take the leap to open my own business.
  8. Can I improve on any of my daily. habits?
    Good grief, yes! Like, ALL of them. It is sad, really.
  9. What steps am I taking to reach my goals?
    I am currently enrolled in some classes to get a better handle on what it is that I was to do. Once done with that, I will be enrolling into another course to further that along. I am working with my doctors to get my thyroid right, and then I can tackle this weight loss thing with all that I am. I am slowly making better food choices and such now, but I have a lot to do on that journey.
  10. What makes me upset?
    Misunderstandings. People lying to me. The fact that time is racing by waaaay too fast. And my cat peeing outside the box. We cannot figure out why.. ugh.
  11. How can I add to my happiness?
    I think if I took some time for myself, did some yoga, or spent an hour alone in the morning making sure my head is on straight could help. And to also remember to show gratitude every single day, and to be happy with where I am RIGHT NOW.
  12. Am I doing ALL that I can to reach my goals?
    In all honesty? No. Especially in regard to my health. UGH.
  13. What areas of my life can I improve in?
    All of them. Seriously. It is why I am taking steps to identify my weaknesses, big and small.
  14. What are 5 things I love about myself?
    Ugh. I will have to come back to this one.
  15. What are 3 negative mindsets that I need to let go of?
    I need to leg of believing I can’t do certain things. I need to let go of the feeling of not being good enough. I need to let go of the self hatred.
  16. What will I accomplish next year?
    Starting my own business!
  17. How can I improve my daily routines?
    Lists. Make lists. Eat better and exercise in hopes of having more energy.
  18. What is one piece of advice I would give my future self?
    Rome wasn’t built in a day. Have patience, and work smart…
  19. How can I love myself more daily?
    Eat what I am supposed to eat, drink more water, have quiet moments when I need them, stop beating myself up, and have a little confidence in myself.
  20. What can I do to practice more self care during the week? See Question 19!!

And I think I will stop there for now.. The rest will come soon!

Hi. I am Jen. I lost myself for awhile. Here is where I talk about trying to find myself, trying to be better in all aspects of life. I am moody, unpredictable, opinionated, a realist (who really struggles with being a realist), loving, caring, kind, and mostly laid back. I love my family beyond measure. I try to treat others as I wish to be treated. I do not tolerate bigotry, racism, and or hatred.. you get nasty, you get blocked. I do not engage. Just be nice.. ;)

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