50 Questions,  Hey. Hi. Hello.

Question 35

Personal History Question 35 is, “What is your favorite family story?”

I have many. But this one always makes me smile. One year, while my mom worked at a florist shop, they were doing inventory. Bosslady came out with this old, forgotten, baby blue vase with a single, dusty, yellowed, fake Calla Lily in it. My mom brought it home. She planned to give it to my Aunty Nancy as a “Christmas gift” …. And oh my gosh. She wrapped it all nice. When my aunt unwrapped it, the look on her face was absolutely priceless. She had no words. I can still hear her in my head… “Ooohhh. That’s ….. niiiice…” My mom let her sweat for a few moments before cracking up and telling my aunt it was just a joke.. Each year after that, it was regifted to someone else in the family. I am not sure who the final person was that it went to, but I am confident enough to know that it most likely ended up in the trash! ;D

Hi. I am Jen. I lost myself for awhile. Here is where I talk about trying to find myself, trying to be better in all aspects of life. I am moody, unpredictable, opinionated, a realist (who really struggles with being a realist), loving, caring, kind, and mostly laid back. I love my family beyond measure. I try to treat others as I wish to be treated. I do not tolerate bigotry, racism, and or hatred.. you get nasty, you get blocked. I do not engage. Just be nice.. ;)

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