50 Questions,  Hey. Hi. Hello.

Question 28

Personal History Question 28 is, “How did you typically celebrate your birthday?”

My parents always threw me a party! My family and friends would come celebrate with me. I had a few where it was just us at home. Mom always baked me a cake or got me an ice cream cake from Carvel. As I got older and was working, she would send me flowers, a plant, or balloons to my work. I loved it. I always felt so loved. Then, on my 24th birthday, my Pop died. I had only been home 4 days from a trip to spend 2 weeks with him. He had cancer. His death devastated me. I had never felt such pain. I had lost my other grandpa a few years earlier, and that hurt. A lot. But, I was much closer with my Pop. We just had a different kind of relationship. So, after that, I quit celebrating my birthday. Around my 38th or so, my friend Holly started sneaking into my house to decorate and stuff, making sure that my day was celebrated. 🙂 We keep it low key… close friends and family, cake and ice cream, and that’s it. It is always a nice day 😉

Hi. I am Jen. I lost myself for awhile. Here is where I talk about trying to find myself, trying to be better in all aspects of life. I am moody, unpredictable, opinionated, a realist (who really struggles with being a realist), loving, caring, kind, and mostly laid back. I love my family beyond measure. I try to treat others as I wish to be treated. I do not tolerate bigotry, racism, and or hatred.. you get nasty, you get blocked. I do not engage. Just be nice.. ;)

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