Hi. I am Jen. I lost myself for awhile. Here is where I talk about trying to find myself, trying to be better in all aspects of life. I am moody, unpredictable, opinionated, a realist (who really struggles with being a realist), loving, caring, kind, and mostly laid back. I love my family beyond measure. I try to treat others as I wish to be treated. I do not tolerate bigotry, racism, and or hatred.. you get nasty, you get blocked. I do not engage. Just be nice.. ;)

  • 50 Questions,  Hey. Hi. Hello.

    Question 10

    Personal History Question 10 is, “What was your favorite place as a child?” As I had mentioned in the previous question, I am happiest when outside. Does not matter if it is at the river, the beach, or my backyard. Even as a really young child, I loved playing outside. Some times it was making mud pies, some times it was digging in the dirt searching for cool rocks. Some times, it was just lying in the grass watching the clouds go by. As a teen, my favorite spot was the park that was near my home. It is where I hung out with my friends. We all grew up…

  • Friday Five,  Hey. Hi. Hello.

    Friday Five!

    How good are you at wrapping gifts? When are you likely to begin your Christmas shopping this year? How do you feel about candy canes? Have you been naughty or nice this year? In what way was today most December-like? I do okay at wrapping gifts. I rather enjoy the process. I have offered to wrap gifts for others, for a small fee, but no one ever takes me up on it. I am definitely getting started on some Christmas gifts here in the next couple weeks! I make things for people, in addition to purchasing gifts. I want to get started on the home made stuff early! Eh. They…

  • 50 Questions,  Hey. Hi. Hello.

    Question 9

    Personal History Question 9, “What was your favorite activity as a child?” Hm. Hard to say, as I don’t recall ever really having any favorite thing. I mean, I loved being outside, riding my bike, or swimming at the beach or in the river, depending on where I was living at the time. As a young child, I LOVED going to feed the ducks with my Dad. Now, I read that bread is bad for them and I feel awful. But, we didn’t know! I used to love to color. Well, I still do, actually. I used to love making mud pies and playing in the dirt and looking for…

  • 50 Questions,  Hey. Hi. Hello.

    Question 8

    Personal History Question 8, “What was your childhood bedroom like?” Well, again, I lived in many different places. We never did anything fancy for my bedroom. Like, I didn’t have a themed room or anything like that. Just a plain ol’ bedroom with my bed, dresser, night stand, and that was it really. Once I was a teen, my aunt and uncle gave me a wooden desk that they had had. I THINK my uncle made it. It was gorgeous. I regret getting rid of it. I had a tv and fish tanks and a papasan chair. I had a waterbed for a good long while, then switched to a…

  • 50 Questions,  Hey. Hi. Hello.

    Hi. Hello. Question 7

    Next on the Personal History questions is, “Think about your house growing up. What was it like?” Well, I have lived in about 20 different places in my lifetime. Some significant memories from our first home include the typical shag carpet, the avocado green appliances, and everything had eagles on it. My parents really liked eagles, I guess. My dad had a brown leather recliner, and a little side table/lamp combo that was the most unstable piece of furniture ever made. I also remember how his favorite coffee mug had no handle. Our second home was just about brand new. It had hardwood floors that I used to love to…

  • 50 Questions,  Hey. Hi. Hello.


    Hi. So, questions 5 and 6 of the Personal History questions~ Question 5, “Do you have siblings? Write about them.” Well, okay. Yes. I have two sisters and a brother. I love all three of them very much. One of my sisters just moved here and it is so nice having her around. She loves Christmas like I do, so I bet this holiday will be awesome! She is also crafty. I hope we can get together to craft every once in awhile! My other sis and I do not talk much, but we get on just fine. She is in Massachusetts, and I really should be better about keeping…

  • 50 Questions,  Hey. Hi. Hello.


    So much for a question a day! I do not have the app on my phone. I have removed most social media apps from my phone in an attempt to spend less time wasting time. So, the next three question of the 50 Personal History questions are as follows: Question 2 is, “Where, and when were you born?” Well, early June of 1973. I was born in a small coastal town on Cape Cod that starts with an F. I will leave it at that. Too much personal info is not a good thing these days. I know that I was born at 5:35 p.m. by emergency c-section (sorry mom)…

  • 50 Questions,  Hey. Hi. Hello.

    Personal History – 50 Questions

    I found this on Pinterest, and decided that I would do it. 😉 It is 50 questions about yours truly. I am going to answer one question a day. The first question is, “Your name.. where does it come from? What does it mean?” Wellllll… *eyeroll* I was almost named Rebecca. Then, my mom wanted to name me Jenna. Not sure what happened, but Jennifer it is. Along with like 70% of all the other girls born in the early 70s! I actually had a friend growing up who knew a bunch of guys who started a band called, “Too Many Jens” !! I was called Jenni by my folks…

  • Hey. Hi. Hello.

    Beautiful Day

    I had tomatoes to can. I had floors that needed swept. I had laundry to do. It will still all be there tomorrow. Today, I sat on the porch and worked on a puzzle that my friend let me borrow. Hubby spent a good bit of time out there with me. It was a really nice day. I DID clean my kitchen, and make a yummy dinner. I also folded a load of clothes. The rest can wait. The next two days will be a flurry of activity, as I have to finish canning my tomatoes and get the downstairs spic and span. My offspring turns 16 on Tuesday. On…

  • From the Kitchen

    Time Well Spent

    Spent the other morning snapping beans with my mom on the front porch. We were all set to can these things, when we realized we had lost the weights for the pressure canner. So, they are in the fridge. Tomorrow I buy a new pressure canner so we can get these things done. I am also getting a half bushel of tomatoes to can as well. We also have peaches to can! I love doing this stuff with her, and putting things up for winter.